Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Dear public diary:

My metal health is pretty crappy, understand that I have been trying my best to succeed even if other wish I didn't or life it self gets in my way!

I rule!! I ♥ u public diary!! :D


Its been a while since I did anything for my blogs so I'll go and write about life.

Life is a sexually transmitted disease. Very beautiful indeed. I love been sick with Life, even though this sickness can get so hard you want to just cure the hell out of it, its better to just keep fighting to get ill. Life also bring other symptoms such as sadness, grief, pain, hate that secondary symptoms are tears, shorten of breath, angry burst and even outburst of violence. But don't forget that other symptoms are happiness, joy and greater than all the good ailments the symptom that its more contagious is LOVE, this also could bring tears, but they are so sweet and warm its pain free. I love this sickness and LOVE its a very awesome sickness too, so go and spread this LOVE sickness as to many people that you can. Life is precious and LOVE is more, what is LIFE without LOVE, its to be DEAD on the inside and ROTTEN on the outside.

If you truly want to be loved, love and be lovable

Spread LIFE in a very safe way, or else they'll be so much life infected people that you won't be able to think things straight.
